Civic, Moral, Nationalistic, Sex, Health and Environmental Education Department

  • 首頁
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  • Student Support
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  • Civic, Moral, Nationalistic, Sex, Health and Environmental Education Department
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  • Objective
  • We include the cultivation of students’ positive values and attitudes as one of our school’ major concerns, and strengthen the co-ordination between different cross-curricular domains to integrate the values and attitudes into their learning objectives.
  • We provide holistic learning experiences to students through integrating the elements of cognition, affection and action for the promotion of values education
  • We provide students with holistic and balanced learning experiences through integrating classroom learning, practical experience and learning environment.
  • We adopted a student-centred approach and developed their own values education and implementation strategies in consideration of the school’s strengths and directions, the students’ performance and developmental needs, and the expectations from different stakeholders.