Mission & Goals




    We wish to:
    1. Teach our students Biblical truth so that they may experience a renewed life, develop positive values and a commendable attitude to build up a harmonious relationship with God and men.

    2. Teach our students how to love, how to discern right from wrong, and to foster in them a sense of responsibility, self-respect, self-consciousness and self-discipline.

    3. Help students appreciate the grandeur of the universe with awe, motivate them to learn, enhance their critical and analytical thinking and cultivate in them an independent learning attitude to attain self-actualization.

    4. Help students develop an active life-style and acquire good health, physical fitness and promote the qualities of desirable moral behavior and cooperation in communal life by means of teaching them various sports skills and knowledge.

    5. Help students to acquire sophisticated inter-personal skills to live up to the requirements of the society, to develop a sense of belonging to their community so that they will contribute to the society and nation.

    6. Foster a spirit of appreciation towards the arts and develop their creative potential and imagination.

  • 教導學生認識福音真理, 了解生命的可貴, 悔改皈主, 使生命得以更新。 按聖經真理建立正確的價值觀和積極的人生觀。 培養學生對信仰有開放尊敬及委身的態度, 建立與神、人、自己和諧的關係。
  • 培養學生愛神愛人的素質, 對神對人對己的責任, 有自愛、自重、自省、自律的精神, 及道德抉擇的能力和勇氣。
  • 培植學生對浩瀚的宇宙存讚歎的心, 提高其求知慾、學習興趣、獨立思考能力、判斷能力、分析和解決問題的能力, 養成良好的研究方法, 運用各科所學的基本知識, 在學習和自我實踐的過程中, 發展本身潛能及自學精神。
  • 培育學生養成良好的體育習慣, 建立健康的身心, 掌握提高體適能的方法, 鍛煉其紀律、意志、體育及團隊合作精神。
  • 培養合群的個性, 建立良好人際關係, 能適應團體生活, 產生歸屬感。 又關心社會, 培養敏銳的社會觸覺, 明白其權利和義務, 判別社會認可的行為規範, 引導學生欣賞中國的優良傳統及文化, 培養正確的民族意識, 並認識自我對個人及社會所承擔的責任, 遠至修己善群, 貢獻社會及國家。
  • 培養及發展學生對藝術的興趣, 對美的鑑賞能力、想象力和創造力, 流露優美典雅氣質。