Biology (生物)

Biology is a rapidly advancing science incorporating a huge amount of information about living organisms. There is a mistaken impression that it is a subject involving memorisation of numerous unrelated facts. In this curriculum, it is hoped that students will develop a broad, general understanding of biological principles and concepts and at the same time acquire a body of essential facts. In order to make the study of biology exciting and relevant, it is suggested that it should be introduced in real life contexts. The adoption of a wide range of learning and teaching strategies and assessment practices is intended to stimulate interest in and create motivation for learning among students with a range of abilities and aspirations.


The broad aims of the Biology Curriculum are to enable students to:

  1. develop and maintain an interest in biology, a sense of wonder and curiosity about the living world, and a respect for all living things and the environment;
  2. construct and apply knowledge of biology, understand the nature of science in biology-related contexts, and appreciate the relationships between biological science and other disciplines;
  3. develop the ability to make scientific inquiries; think scientifically, critically and creatively; and solve biology-related problems individually and collaboratively;
  4. understand the language of science and communicate ideas and views on biology-related issues;
  5. be aware of the social, ethical, economic, environmental and technological implications of biology, and be able to make informed decisions and judgments on biology-related issues; and
  6. develop an attitude of responsible citizenship, and a commitment to promote personal and community health.