Biblical Knowledge (聖經)

The Biblical Knowledge helps students achieve the Seven Learning Goals of the Hong Kong school curriculum, in particular: to understand one’s own interests, aptitudes and abilities, and develop and reflect upon personal goals with aspirations; to lead a healthy lifestyle; to understand contemporary issues at personal, community, national and global levels; and to respect for pluralism in society and develop a global perspective. Besides, the Curriculum Development Council has incorporated priority values, into the school curriculum framework in Hong Kong. These values align with those promoted by many school sponsoring bodies all along. The rich religious traditions, elements and languages help illustrate these positive values more concretely and instill them in students


This subject aims at:

  1. educating students about religion, religious traditions, religious lifestyles and representative religious figures;
  2. enabling students to understand, through their own experience, others’ and history, the influence of religion on how people perceive themselves and the world as well as their values and cultures;
  3. educating students about how religion can lead to a healthy and positive life, and help to fulfil social and environmental responsibilities;
  4. guiding students to pursue a faith or spiritual way of living, and to seek answers to questions in life; and
  5. developing students’ respect for religion and different cultures and values.